Your Child and Pediatric Orthodontics

Have you ever been curious about What is Pediatric Orthodontics is? Well, we’ve got you covered. Keep reading to learn more about the orthodontic treatment options that we can provide for your children and please contact us when you are ready to talk more.

Starting orthodontic treatment early in your child’s development will better ensure a healthier smile that looks and feels better for the years to come. Proper orthodontic treatment can improve your child’s personal appearance and boost their self-confidence at a critical young age. Because everyone’s jaw grows at different rates, receiving an initial consultation at a younger age will give you and your family a sufficient amount of information to create an effective treatment plan with your orthodontist.



You may be questioning what the best age to get braces might be. The American Association of Orthodontics (AAO) recommends that parents first take their children for orthodontic treatment around the age of seven, before all of their permanent teeth come in. Because of the wide disparity in tooth development among those around the age of seven, an expert needs to decide whether or not your child needs orthodontic treatment or if the changes are a normal part of developmental growth.

An orthodontist will also be able to best determine whether there is enough room in your child’s mouth to accommodate all of the incoming permanent teeth. Most orthodontic conditions are easier to treat when they are identified at a younger age and the natural growth processes are at their peak. If some of these conditions get left without treatment when the child is young, he or she may eventually require surgery or permanent tooth extractions later in life. If you’re wondering if it’s too late to get braces, we are here to reassure you that each child is different and we can certainly still move forward with treatment if you decide to explore braces whether at the age of 8 or braces at age 10 for example.


While there is no actual age limit for braces, there are some negative habits and  behaviors that require your child to seek out pediatric orthodontics earlier on in life, especially if you have a question about the alignment of the child’s teeth or bite. Additional reasons to see an orthodontist sooner than the age of seven may include:

  • Early or late loss of baby teeth
  • Thumb sucking
  • Tongue thrusting
  • Mouth breathing and snoring
  • Trouble biting, speaking or chewing
  • Protruding, crowded or widely spaced teeth
  • Clenching jaws
  • Grinding teeth

If you notice these behaviors in your child before the age of seven, we strongly recommend making an appointment with an orthodontist.


1. Proactive Treatment by a Pediatric Orthodontist

While there is no set or determined age when a child absolutely needs braces, visiting a pediatric orthodontist will better ensure proper alignment in your child’s jaws by allowing the orthodontist to determine the best time to begin any treatment. The orthodontist will keep and eye out for any concerning growth patterns as your child develops. This allows for early detection and timely treatment if/when any issues arise. This process can be much more tedious after your child grows older and his or her jaws and teeth have completed development.

2. Supporting the Emergence of Permanent Teeth

Children typically begin to develop their permanent teeth around the age of seven. This means a pediatric orthodontist will be able to suggest the best treatment options to consider for lasting results even when the child is still young.

3. Catching and Reversing Bad Habits Early

Pediatric Orthodontics can help to identify any bad oral habits at an early age and it can help to mitigate the negative effects that they may have on your child’s teeth and mouth. The best age for braces can only be determined by seeing an orthodontist before the age of seven in order to stop any of these bad habits— such as thumb sucking — from causing more damaging effects. Identifying them can improve the overall orthodontist experience. If left untreated, these bad habits can greatly increase the need for emergency orthodontic intervention, treatment, or even surgery.

4. Less Invasive and More Cost Effective

The earlier that your child begins their orthodontic treatment, the less invasive and more cost effective it will be. Even while your child’s permanent teeth are still growing, an orthodontist can likely identify any critical issues early enough to begin treatment before issues worsen.

5. Avoid Issues That Emerge From Permanent Teeth

Some issues can be treated much easier when done when a child is young than it can be in adults. It’s helpful for the orthodontist to evaluate how your permanent teeth are coming through the gums to determine what treatment options might be necessary.

6. Create a Financial Plan for the Future

Seeking pediatric orthodontic treatment at a young age can also help a family to better budget for the future. We always strongly recommend that you ask any questions that you may have even in the early appointments so that you might get an accurate idea of what to expect moving forward. Treatment plans can include different appliances at various stages. Seeing an orthodontist earlier rather than later will help to create a plan that works bets with your finances.

7. More Favorable Long-Term Results

The earlier that an orthodontist identifies the issue and begins treatment, the better your child’s overall results will be in the long-run. Visiting an orthodontist before the child’s jaw finishes growing will likely result in a faster, easier and better overall orthodontic treatment plan and experience.

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